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Riverside Community Special School

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Individual Schedules




  • To reduce a child’s anxiety about what is going to happen next.
  • To include motivating tasks so they know that they are going to get to do the thing they really want to as some point; they can see it getting closer.
  • So that the adult is not telling the child what to do but the schedule is: it depersonalises demands.
  • To increase independence over time.


Key things to remember:

  • Always follow through with what you are asking: If you have asked a child to ‘check your schedule’, make sure they check it. Saying this verbally or by giving a child a visual which reminds them to check it. It is important to make sure you have the time, especially if you think it will be a difficult transition.
  • Keep it motivating, break the schedule down for example: always follow something not so motivating, with something more motivating.
  • Adults control what goes on the schedule not the child.
  • Try to keep the schedule as consistent as possible for each day.
  • Do not over load the schedule with the whole day’s activities, break it down into chunks i.e. Before lunch and after lunch. If this is still too much then break it down further.
  • Ensure the child goes to the activity stated on the schedule. There should be a matching symbol on the activity/destination to the one on the child’s schedule.
  • All adults should be transiting children, this will support the child from becoming reliant on one adult


Adaptations of schedules:

  • The child taking off an activity when it has finished and then look at what is happening next.
  • It could be a laminated or written schedule. Usually this will mean that the activity is crossed off when it is finished.
  • Posting in a ‘finished’ pocket at the bottom of the schedule.
  • Posting in posting pocket

An example of a schedule:

