Welcome to Riverside School. We are a NUT FREE school. Please do not bring nuts, peanuts, peanut butter or nut related products into school or in packed lunches.
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Riverside Community Special School

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Welcome to our school. We hope you enjoy taking a look around our website. The school is now closed for the holidays so please email the Admin Team for all queries: adminoffice@riverside.hants.sch.uk.


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If you are coming on to the school site, please be careful of icy patches. The site is gritted overnight, however, some slippery patches may remain during cold periods.

To protect the dignity and wellbeing of our pupils and staff, mobile phones cannot be used at any time on the school site.

Our school grounds are protected by a CCTV system.

The Zeus Lane gate is open each morning: 9.05am-9.20am and then in the afternoon 2.45pm-3.15pm. Please use the Scratchface Lane pedestrian gate at all other times.
If you arrive after 9.15am, please come into Reception to sign your child in.

Pupils in Rabbits, Caterpillars, Otters, Deers, Owls and Foxes can be picked up from 2.45pm in the playground by the garden gates.
Pupils in Ladybirds pick up from 2.45pm at the Mill Hill site.
Pupils in Butterflies, Moles, Badgers, Hedgehogs, Squirrels, Eagles and Woodpeckers pick up from the main entrances at 3.00pm

Thank you for your understanding.
Mrs Le Roux